New equipment



Sizeable to any pile diameter / Balanced design in number of cylinders versus gripping capacity / Ring height sufficient to limit heat affected zone close to cylinder

Non-Destructive Testing


Our roots from on and offshore pipeline installation, in service inspection, nuclear and renewable energy sector, chemical / petrochemical etc. 20 + years industry experience. 


Automatic Pipe Welding

The dual torch welding bug is almost 2 times faster than single torch welding bug. By using the programmed start/stop feature, the root and hot pass can be welded at the same time! 

Winches Offshore Renewables

Deck Machinery

Anchor Handling Towing Winches, Traction and Storage System, Heavy Lift Winches DNV 2.7.3, HPU DNV 2.7.1, ROV Winches, Spooling Operations, Mooring Winches, etc.

im1-no branding

Electric Facing Machine

Max torque at low speed cutting speed – for CRA pipe, Extremely high precision on the cutting parameters, 100% cutting parameter repetition from time to time via programmable PLC


Stinger & Handling System​

Engineering and construction of stinger and stinger handling system, welding system, on-board safety plant system.

Bear Cage no branding

Bear Cage​

The bear cage is a special external clamp for 48″ pipe, designed for pipeline above water tie-in operations and manufactured with high-resistance components.

Sea Axe 5

SEA Axe with no Emissions

The mass flow excavation (MFE) market has exhibited little innovation over the last 25 years.

Blast Containment

Blast Curtains​

We provide BlastTac solutions which utilise next-generation fabrics to create the worlds safest solutions to blast containment which is internationally recognized and utilized across many industries. Extensive protection capabilities in one blanket which covers explosive and pressure test blasts, ballistic, frag, fire, arc flash, and noise reduction.


Wind Energy

Wind Equipment composed of Equipment for Jacket fabrication (Equipment for truss structures), Hydraulic Release Mechanism, Jacket-Flange Lifting Tool, Monopile gripper, Jacket Pile gripper, GBS Sea Fastening, and CSS Casing Stability System.

DJ1-no branding


Engineering and construction of a complete pipe handling equipment to allow double-joint production for pipes with a diameter range from 6” to 36”.

RHS Liquid-cooled Rotational Heating Clamp

As the pipe rotates round to the start point, the thermacouples will start to pick up the
temperature readings and alter the Rapid Heat the 35 output kws to suit the target
temperature that has been set.